Sunday 19 December 2010

Review: Fenan Klein Afrika


Jan Pieter Heijestraat 147, 1054 MG Amsterdam

Ethiopean and Eritrean food is the not most famous of world cuisines, but one day, I hope it can be. This little eatery just off the Overtoom really backs up the case I'm making for this food eminating from the Horn of Africa. The concept is quite simple, curry or sauce based meat, fish and vegetable dishes on injeera bread, a soft pancake-like bread which marries fantastically, no, undescribably well with the said dishes. Why? The magic of the bread is its sourness, which beautifully offsets the heaviness of some of the curries.

You can kind of mix and match the dishes you want. Not being an expert on this cuisine, we asked for 3 meat dishes and 1 fish dish to be served on top of a huge plate lined with injeera (and asked for extra injeera, you can't really get enough), and other fellow diners shared 4 vegetarian dishes amongst themselves. The standout dish was the fish dish (which I believe to be Nile Perch) whose flesh tender and oozing with slightly spicy notes. In the middle of your injeera-lined platter (your main dishes lie around the edges) you'll find some interesting chickpea purees, another interesting little aspect of the meal.

This food is also fun to eat; grab some injeera bread with your hands, and use it to grab and absorb whatever dish you wish. Service however was a tad slow. From start to finish (including a very strong coffee at the end), the meal took around 3 hours, which is pretty long considering only a main course was indulged upon. Having said that though, at around 15 euro per person for the food, this was smashing value, and thus a highly recommended place for a (very) easy going dinner.  

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