Tuesday 13 March 2012

Honey butter cod

CRC is one of those Penang institutions which keeps going and going. It’s always a favourite amongst local Penangites for dinner, and for good reason. It does a number of solid dishes like sweet-n-sour pork ribs, stuffed bean curd amongst others, but there is one dish which it does particularly well: their famous honey-butter cod. It’s a dish I’m currently in the process of reverse-engineering that so I can enjoy its deliciousness at home. Succulent cod, crispy on the outside yet juicy in the middle, lightly coated in a not-overly rich sauce probably amalgamated from butter, honey, soy and rice wine. A Penang classic.

Also pictured below are their prawns fried in an egg batter with curry leaves – which although tasty, could’ve done with a hand-full more curry leaves to intensify the fragrance of this dish.

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