Sunday 29 January 2012

Hainan noodles: noodle soup not to be missed

I think this was one of the best noodle soups I’ve ever had (Map: No. 6). At first glance, it doesn’t look that special, but trust me, this is a truly brilliant display of culinary prowess. Firstly, let me start with the Hainan-style noodles themselves – they look a bit like udon noodles, but with one key difference – they are incredibly light and dare I say it, even more slurp-able than udon noodles.

Secondly, the broth. Chicken-and-pork bone based, packed full of flavour but not overly rich, with a ever-so-slightly sour edge provide by Chinese sour cabbage. Really refreshing stuff. Lastly, there’s the toppings; with crispy belly pork the standout star here – somehow, the belly pork skin stayed crispy-ish in the broth. Must’ve been magic.

And if all this wasn’t enough, this little eatery on Thanon Mahannop offers another broth, slightly yellow-ish (possibly indicative of a curry-type influence) in colour for which unfortunately I had no time to try. On my hitlist for my next Bangkok visit.

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